Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Visit From Lance

Lance has been here visiting for the past couple of weeks. It has been fun having him here. He was going to stay for 2 weeks, but has been having so much fun, we decided he should stay for an extra two weeks. He has been a good help and good company.

He Vaccuums for me.

Keeps my popcorn bowl constantly full!!

Sorted bibs towels with Jenni.
Lance helps with the kids that visit - snips threads - buckled 100 buckles for quiet books - feeds the cats - helps cook meals and helps with paintball. (We lost the pictures of paintball - will retake them on Saturday.)
It sounds like I have made him my personal servant, but he really seems to enjoy helping. We have done a lot of fun things, too.

We took a hike in Devil's Kitchen.
Lance climbed this big white hill - it looks huge in this photo!

We had a delicious picnic!

Eric and Lance built this pinewood derby car and raced it. They had an awesome time. Thanks Eric. We also went shopping in Cody where he bought some new Indian drum CD's and a couple of cool T shirts. We have walked at the park, ate at the Chinese place in town, went with me to a Laua at the church and enjoyed a movie night or two.

But I think the best thing is that Lance has been walking on the treadmill - he walks 1 or 2 miles almost every day and usually gets close to 10,000 steps on his stepcounter throughout the day. He has lost 8 pounds since he got here. I am so proud of him.


  1. Lance is quite the guy. Lance is a pretty lucky guy getting to spend time with you and Pappy.

  2. what a great time you have had! you did a lot of fun things! glad Lance is doing great! good to see him!
