Monday, March 30, 2009

Added to Inventory!!

This week I finished the 76 bibs that I started last week. They are folded and on the shelf. I really like these new towels, they have cute little animals and are cute colors. You can check out all the cute bibs I have including Disney ones at my website

I also finished 10 quiet books that were sitting on the shelf half done and made 4 more super capes for a new order.

My humanitarian projects this week were 5 bibs, 8 pairs of booties and I put the binding on the quilt that Merilee and Amber tied last weekend.

I am getting low on Mother Goose Quiet Books , I have a lot of store bought cloth books that have been waiting to be made and I am trying to find fabric for 15 crib sheets ordered by a day care in New Mexico. I need to get some quilt tops ready for the 14th for our group project day - hopefully some people will show up to help me tie them.

Sigh, I guess I better quit blogging and get busy - the more "therapy" the better.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Who is that masked man?


He helped in the shed cleaning guns and waiting on customers.

Lance and Shadow refereed for me. Lance walked over 16,000 steps on the paintball fields - no treadmill for him today!

He tried out the targets.

Lance has Williams Syndrome and as you know kids who are different aren't always treated as nice as they should be. This group of kids was great with Lance. They made him feel accepted and important. They even invited him to go to town and have pizza with them after a long day of paintballing.

Joe is my head ref, I couldn't run this place without him. He is so good to Lance and let him hang out with him all day.

More Grandchildren Visit the Funneefarm

April brought her kids down from Laurel on Monday. Chaos again - but after all - we live on the Funneefarm! April stayed until Wednesday, then left to go to Missoula to dry pack some food storage stuff. The Kids stayed until Friday when Merilee took them home on her way to the Stake Temple Day.

First thing on the agenda was watching Tom and Jerry Cartoons with Pappy.It is so funnee to hear them all in the bedroom laughing. I think Pappy laughs harder than the kids.

Next was a hike and picnic to Devil's Kitchen.

April and the kids.

There are lots of cool rock formations and awesome colors of stone cliffs.

Seth had a ball climbing on rocks. He really struggled with this one.

But he finally made it to the top - to "rest my wobbly legs from too much hiking!"

Of course, they all "helped" with the sewing.

Brenna and Ashlyn sat here for hours handing me pins and supplies.

Seth helped with the clocks for the quiet books. Ashlyn took this picutre of him marking the center dots for the clock hand attachments.

Cute picture of Brenna. She calls Pappy "Happy" - at least she doesn't call me Dopey or Grumpy although I can be both at times!

They are gone now - quiet once more but still crazy here on the Funneefarm.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Visit From Lance

Lance has been here visiting for the past couple of weeks. It has been fun having him here. He was going to stay for 2 weeks, but has been having so much fun, we decided he should stay for an extra two weeks. He has been a good help and good company.

He Vaccuums for me.

Keeps my popcorn bowl constantly full!!

Sorted bibs towels with Jenni.
Lance helps with the kids that visit - snips threads - buckled 100 buckles for quiet books - feeds the cats - helps cook meals and helps with paintball. (We lost the pictures of paintball - will retake them on Saturday.)
It sounds like I have made him my personal servant, but he really seems to enjoy helping. We have done a lot of fun things, too.

We took a hike in Devil's Kitchen.
Lance climbed this big white hill - it looks huge in this photo!

We had a delicious picnic!

Eric and Lance built this pinewood derby car and raced it. They had an awesome time. Thanks Eric. We also went shopping in Cody where he bought some new Indian drum CD's and a couple of cool T shirts. We have walked at the park, ate at the Chinese place in town, went with me to a Laua at the church and enjoyed a movie night or two.

But I think the best thing is that Lance has been walking on the treadmill - he walks 1 or 2 miles almost every day and usually gets close to 10,000 steps on his stepcounter throughout the day. He has lost 8 pounds since he got here. I am so proud of him.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sewing Projects From Last Week

I made 10 gowns for our humanitarian project. I had an order for 6 super capes (personalized) and 3 princess capes. I got them done and in the mail. I made 10 more princess capes so now I have a few ahead. The super capes are ready to sew - but I can't personalize them until I get orders.

I also worked on a couple dozen booties (not finished yet) and got the necks cut and ribbing pinned on about 75 pull over bibs. But those are next week's projects.

Grandchildren visit the Funneefarm!

Nathan and Amber came to visit this week end. It was good to see them again - seems like it has been forever since they have been down. The kids ran and played out side - they were so tired and dirty when they came in. lol - you could have made mudpies with the dirt left in the tub!

Aden learning how to play Webkinz - don't you just love those huge eyes! His lashes don't really show but they are really long and thick - what a cutie!

Aden and his dog Zeke

Heather in her Sunday dress that used to be her mother's.

Heather and Pappy. Check out those big blue eyes!

Heather and her daddy napping after church - no baby could be more loved.
Nathan took Pappy and Eric fishing yesterday - he was pooped out I guess.

Merilee and Amber tied one of our humanitarian quilts. They had never tied one before so I got them started and then I left to do the hot dogs for the paintball players. When I got back they were just finishing it. They did a great job and have sore fingers to prove it!

Everyone left tonight - it is just Lance, me and pappy - 24 hours before the next set of grandkids arrive!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Paintball kids

We had a few paintball players in to play today and the little ones were dying to play. I put goggles on the 3 grandkids that were here and took them to the targets. They had a ball. The gun was a little heavy but they actually got some hits.

Lexi - Brandon - Aden

The had a ton of fun finding paintballs on the ground, you would have thought it was an Easter Egg hunt. All three kids sat on the step with their hotdogs and pop afterwards, but my camera was out of memory!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Webkinz!!

Last year Merilee bought me a Webkinz for my birthday. I didn't know anything about them, but Kaitlyn and Carly came for a visit and educated me right away. Some of the games are kind of fun, but it is more fun to help the grandchildren play and especially great to send them gifts for their pets.

Lexi has been working hard and saving her money for a new Webkinz pet. She finally figured she was pretty close so we took a trip to Cody to go shopping. Only two stores in Cody carry them and the first one was closed. We looked through the window at all the pets displayed - Lexi was very sad. We finally located the other store - they only had a few to choose from, but it didn't matter. Lexi saw the pink dinosaur and latched onto it immediately. By the time we had finished our happy meals and headed for home she had named her dainty little dino Tinkerbell. I got a camel and of course her name is Alyce!! (as in Alyce the Camel has 3 humps)

Lexi and I had a fun trip - she learned two new songs - Little Tom Tinker and Sweetly Sings the Donkey. She is just like her Granny and sings little songs all day long. She loves learning new ones.

The best part for me was the hugs and kiss and hearing - " You are the best Granny in the whole world!" By the time we reached Greybull, I had her convinced that I was the best Granny in the whole universe. She still doesn't quite understand what the universe is but she knows it is bigger than the world!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Super Hero Helper

I had a Humanitarian Project day coming up at my house - soooo that morning, I looked around and knew there was no way I could get everything cleaned and ready by myself. I was pushing and pulling on the furniture trying to make room to set up a quilt to tie and next thing I knew ---- there was The Hulk!!

With the Hulk's help, I got that furniture moved in no time!
Of course, now the floor was gross from the stuff under the furniture (and grandkids) and who showed up in my time of need??? It was Batman to the rescue.

Not only did we get a lot done, it kept Brandon busy and he had no time to make more messes. Hurray for super heroes!!

If you need help from a super hero - check out my supercapes at

Thursday, March 5, 2009

5 Miles!!

I did 5 miles on the treadmill this morning in preparation for the Women's Fun Run. I beat my time from 2 weeks ago by 8 minutes!! Treadmill screen and sweaty face to prove it. Scary picture, huh. If you can't read it the treadmill screen says (1 hr. 12 min. - 5
miles). Not bad for a fat old lady!

The VA called and said that John's test all came back normal - they want to do an ultrasound of his joints on Friday. We are leaving for Idaho Falls today - at least it will be good to see my mother again so soon.
Well, I better go pack my pretzles, carrots sticks and my size 10 pants!!!!!