Sunday, December 27, 2009


Yikes, what a morning! Seth, Ashlyn and Brenna were up early of course but not dressed until about 10:00 and it took me until almost lunch time to get their hair combed. We played cars, dress up, play dough and guns; ate pretzles, popcorn and candy canes; fought, teased, chased and giggled; rolled marbles, strung beads and puzzled.

Brenna spent over an hour playing with these doll magnets on the fridge. She sang little songs to them the entire time.

Don't let these innocent faces fool you.
I was so pooped by lunch time that I really needed a nap - 3 of them to be exact!!!
They zonked in just a few minutes and I got to blog!

The real puzzle here is what to do with them for the next few days that we haven't already done?!?!?!

New Baby - Benjamin

Yesterday I went to Billings to return Paul. We had a delicious lunch at Nathan's. I got lots hugs, snuggles and kisses from Heather and Josie - just what I needed.
I can't believe how fast they are growing and how much they are talking.
Don't you love the blue, blue eyes of these two sweet little girls!
Then is was off to April's for my first peek at my new grandson. He is a handsome little fellow - he looks a lot like Seth. You can see more photos of him at
Then I packed up Brenna, Ashlyn and Seth and brought them home to spend a few days with me while April recuperates. Should make for a busy week.

Quiet Christmas

Christmas with Paul.
Getting ready for the catch!
Posing with his Christmas stuff.
Paul was the only one home for Christmas this year. I loved spending time with him, playing games and just talking. It was quiet, but nice.

Happy Birthday Aden!

I made a quick trip to Billings for Aden's birthday right before Christmas. I loved this picture of him and his pirate cake. You can see more of his birthday at Amber's Page

Saturday, December 26, 2009

I was right, my mother called me crying. She said they were happy tears! She loved the blanket and said she would keep it on the arm of her chair and put it over her when ever she needed a hug. I sure love her. She is a wonderful example to us all. I feel bad that she is so far away and I can't give her real hugs every day.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


We found these huge, nasty slugs while camping in Oregon. I knew the kids would love them, so I packed a couple up for an all expense paid trip to Wyoming!

Just as I thought - Brandon is fascinated!

Seth like them better in the jar.

Ashlyn held them, but was a little grossed out.

Brenna wasn't too sure she kept this slug at arms length in case it attacked!

Every one was slimed - stickiest snot I ever saw - we really had to scrub to get it off.

The slugs went home with Brandon but after he let them loose in the house a couple of times - the mysteriously disappeared for good.

Trailer Trippin' - two

I got woke up early this morning by a pocket call from Nathan - not enough time to go back to sleep, so will continue with our trip.

With only a couple minor meltdowns, we arrived safely at Kris's house. Thanks to our GPS and my constant vigilance while John drove.

Kris, Jen and the kids went camping with us out near the coast. John and Kris got to fish and the rest of us went beach combing.

We cooked a gourmet dinner of hot dogs and s'mores and settled in for the night in the trailer, which I like fine as long as it is not moving.
Hotdogs extrodinaire!
Kris and family.

A long walk on the beach at sunset.

We did make it safely home much to my surprise! John is trying to psych me up for a trip to Arizona after the first of the year. I am not sure if the door handle and seat edge can take it - we shall see..........

Trailer Trippin' - one

I wasn't going to to ketchup posts - but found these picutres on my camera. Nothing exciting is happening here, sooo splat!

We bought a 5th wheel trailer in the fall - After a near nervous break down on my part on the first day, we were off! We stopped in Missoula for an anniversary party for Joe and Sandy - It was fun to see everyone again.

Don't ask!
I am not hyperventilating too bad while writing this post, but I do think my heart rate has increased slightly!

Then it was off to visit Cora Ann, Todd and Lance. The sure have a beautiful place - we took a walk out by the lake that is right in their back yard.
Cora Ann shared a box of pears from that little tree behind them in the photo - they were soooo delicious. We lazed around and visited - it was starting to feel like a real vacation - - - - -
Then (dun, dunn, dunnnn) we got back in the truck with a 31 foot trailer on behind and headed down the road towards Oregon!

Christmas Blankies

I made 5 of these little quilts for the youngest granddaughter's dolls. I forgot that I hate working with satin and bumpy chinelle and I put both of them together for these blankies. I am glad the little ones are to young to notice what a sloppy job I did.

The baby in this blanket is one that Merilee got when she was just 6 or 8 years old.

I made the lap quilt below for my mother. I wrote a poem to go with it.

Long Distance Hug

I made this little lap quilt filled with blue skies and bouquets,
I added summer sunshine to brighten wintery days.
Each stitch was made while missing you;
Each stitich was made with love;
So, when you wrap it snug around you -
I am giving you a hug!

PS - I think she will cry.


Yesterday I took a medication administration class (and passed). I didn't take it because I wanted to or thought I needed it - it was required to recertify to give respite care. So now, after 36 years of assisting people with medications, I am officially certified to do so! So, if you would like to have your medications administered by a certified med. assistant, come on down.

Friday, December 11, 2009

. . . . and the stockings were hung!

Merilee's kids were here today to help me get ready for Christmas - finally. We only hung a few - but we put out all the stocking hanger uppers. I love stocking holders and buy a new one when ever I see one - I have 19 in all - not enough for everyone to come home for Christmas yet, but I am getting there. I have paid a lot for some of them, but got 4 new ones at the Dollar Store this year - Yahoo!
Four of them are cheap plastic ones that are left from when the kids were little. Almost antiques!
They decorated the tree beautifully. Brandon is holding a plastic sled ornament that I made from a kit when I first got married. I signed up for a "craft of the month" club. I would get so excited when a new kit arrived. Any way, this cheapy little sled has lasted 36 years! (Definately an antique!)

No mistle toe - NO Kiss!!
PS - Christmas Stockings are now back in stock - check them out at My Website