Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Primary Activity

Last month the Relief Society Presidency did a primary sharing time. We explained the RS Declaration with props and 3 or 4 sentences. One of the items that I talked about was "Delight in service and good works." I told the kids we would be making hygiene kits for the humanitarian services of the church and asked them to bring bars of soap to contribute. Today we assembled the kits - the kids had lots of fun and couldn't wait to get in line to make another one.

Brandon putting the toothpaste in.

Millie helping Lexi with the soap.

Lexi and her friend.

This little group of kids completed 62 kits in about 20 minutes ( and 15 more that only need soap)! This was the best humanitarian project we have done so far. We are going to try it on a ward level if we can gather enough stuff or get enough donations to buy more.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Lawn mower fun!

The grandkids helped me mow the lawn for the first time this year. I let them drive which ever crazy way they wanted. You can't see it to well, but there are circles and curves and wavey lines every where.
Took me a while to finish it up when they were done, but they were so excited to be the one steering that it was worth it.

May projects - 12 finished super capes with random letters - 10 more ready for letters once someone buys them - 20 crib sheets for a day care - 15 bags of polymer crystal; bagged, tagged and ready to ship.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

funneefarm update

Last week we took a run to Salt Lake to see John's VA doctors. They are thinking he might not have Rheumatoid Arthritis after all, but something that is similar to it. They stopped all his RA drugs and he will start on new ones this week. I saw the face doc while we were in SL too. He thinks he can fix my face - the insurance will pay for the necessary stuff, but he thinks I should have almost $9,000 worth of other stuff done too. I said I would rather have a new car - so sorry guys, you will just have to put up with my mug the way it is - but I will give you a ride in my new car.

I did get to visit with Scott (my brother) and Karen and Jenny (my neices) and their families while we were in Salt Lake. What a cute bunch of little ones they have. I wish we could have spent more time with them. I also visited my mom - which is one of the nice things about all these trips to Salt Lake.

On Tuesday (in Cody) John had his rotatar cuff repaired - and a torn cartlidge, and a bone spurs removed, and the joint scraped and smoothed, and frayed edges of something or other trimmed and smoothed. He is pretty miserable - four weeks with a pillow wedge strapped to his arm and at least 12 weeks of physical therapy. sigh But. . . . onward and upward, we will prevail!?!?!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful mother's day. My kids showed up after church and cooked me and awesome dinner! They made chicken alfredo, bread sticks, fruit salad and a yummy green salad. It was so nice - the girls did all the cooking ( I think I heard that some of the guys were in the kitchen too) and then the guys cleaned up while we sat and chatted and watched kids. Four of my kids drove clear from Billings just for the afternoon - that is over 2 hours. John had purchased a willow tree figure called "anniversary" for me. It is a couple sitting on a rock. When I saw it I longed for the figures of 7 little children to place around it to represent my kids. I couldn't wait to get to the store to pick them out. But, my awesome children bought them for me. I was so surprised. It was fun arranging them them on the shelf - they look so cool and reminds me of when they were little.

It makes me smile every time I look at them.