Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Trailer Trippin' - one

I wasn't going to to ketchup posts - but found these picutres on my camera. Nothing exciting is happening here, sooo splat!

We bought a 5th wheel trailer in the fall - After a near nervous break down on my part on the first day, we were off! We stopped in Missoula for an anniversary party for Joe and Sandy - It was fun to see everyone again.

Don't ask!
I am not hyperventilating too bad while writing this post, but I do think my heart rate has increased slightly!

Then it was off to visit Cora Ann, Todd and Lance. The sure have a beautiful place - we took a walk out by the lake that is right in their back yard.
Cora Ann shared a box of pears from that little tree behind them in the photo - they were soooo delicious. We lazed around and visited - it was starting to feel like a real vacation - - - - -
Then (dun, dunn, dunnnn) we got back in the truck with a 31 foot trailer on behind and headed down the road towards Oregon!

1 comment:

  1. Whew! I'm proud of you for getting through that post. lol
