Saturday, March 28, 2009

More Grandchildren Visit the Funneefarm

April brought her kids down from Laurel on Monday. Chaos again - but after all - we live on the Funneefarm! April stayed until Wednesday, then left to go to Missoula to dry pack some food storage stuff. The Kids stayed until Friday when Merilee took them home on her way to the Stake Temple Day.

First thing on the agenda was watching Tom and Jerry Cartoons with Pappy.It is so funnee to hear them all in the bedroom laughing. I think Pappy laughs harder than the kids.

Next was a hike and picnic to Devil's Kitchen.

April and the kids.

There are lots of cool rock formations and awesome colors of stone cliffs.

Seth had a ball climbing on rocks. He really struggled with this one.

But he finally made it to the top - to "rest my wobbly legs from too much hiking!"

Of course, they all "helped" with the sewing.

Brenna and Ashlyn sat here for hours handing me pins and supplies.

Seth helped with the clocks for the quiet books. Ashlyn took this picutre of him marking the center dots for the clock hand attachments.

Cute picture of Brenna. She calls Pappy "Happy" - at least she doesn't call me Dopey or Grumpy although I can be both at times!

They are gone now - quiet once more but still crazy here on the Funneefarm.


  1. It was fun visiting you guys! Thanks again for watching them while Steve & I went to Missoula. Love you! :)

  2. I cannot believe how big the kids are getting, especially little Brenna!
    It sounds like you are having so much fun; we can't wait to visit this summer. There's truly no place like home!
