Sunday, March 15, 2009

Super Hero Helper

I had a Humanitarian Project day coming up at my house - soooo that morning, I looked around and knew there was no way I could get everything cleaned and ready by myself. I was pushing and pulling on the furniture trying to make room to set up a quilt to tie and next thing I knew ---- there was The Hulk!!

With the Hulk's help, I got that furniture moved in no time!
Of course, now the floor was gross from the stuff under the furniture (and grandkids) and who showed up in my time of need??? It was Batman to the rescue.

Not only did we get a lot done, it kept Brandon busy and he had no time to make more messes. Hurray for super heroes!!

If you need help from a super hero - check out my supercapes at


  1. I'm glad my little super hero was a such a good helper! He LOVES the super hero cape you made. You're the greatest Granny around! Love ya mom.

  2. I wish the Hulk would come here and help us get ready to move! You're a pretty lucky granny...or vice-versa.

  3. what a cute post! and what a great super hero helper you have to come to your rescue!

  4. Superman, Batman, etc. have nothing on this super hero....he cleans and he's cute too! Where can I get a Super Hero that cleans…I am in desperate!

  5. Wow! You're so lucky! Cute pics.
