Friday, June 5, 2009

Open invitation to tie a quilt on the Funneefarm!

You know, I really shouldn't whine that no one helps me. Sewing is what I love to do - Therapy at its best. And . . . people really do help - they donate fabric and money to feed my habit, what more could I ask! And I love boxing up the finished items and sending them on their way.

But, it is fun to have someone to talk to once in a while - soooo if ya ever want to tie a quilt, or have a sudden burning desire to make some booties or a school bag, come on down - I would love the company. tee hee, ha ha, ho ho, he he, giggle giggle, snort!


  1. I would be honored to help out with your craft-stuff while I am there! I am so excited to catch-up on lost time. See ya soon!

  2. You know, I have a huge fear of sewing machines or nearly anything that has to do with sewing (home ec. class was torture beyond torture). But, it's been a few years, I might be able to try my hand at this "therapy" thing...I know that I at least can tie quilts:) Will you be bringing anything down for the reunion?

  3. i can't wait too! we are on the countdown :)
