Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cousins Camp - Day 3

Today was another fun day on the Funneefarm even tho the kids (and I) are getting a little worn out. First we made dipped pretzels. We dipped in shifts which was a lot easier for me to handle. When someone wandered through the kitchen and wanted to help we let them join in.

Carly and Lexi got the first shift.

Carly picked out a plate of the best ones to take to Pappy.

Second shift was Dominique and Kaitlyn.

Then Seth and Aden happened by.

We got some pretty awesome pretzels. I dipped a few plain ones after they all left for the less discriminating consumer.
Everyone loved the teepees.

We drew with sidewalk chalk on the deck; played frisbee games on the lawn; ate popcicles and popcorn; had ping pong ball gun wars; discovered a batch of brand new kittens and a few of the kids were brave enough to jump in the cold pool on a cloudy day.

When ever I needed to find the boys, I would first check the sandbox - it is their favorite hangout.

Seth snuggled up with me to watch cartoons and help me out with the popcorn.

Pappy bought a few poppers, snakes and parachutes to entertain. You can't really see them, but the kids thought it was great.

And- we needed some pictures of Pappy!

Lexi had a melt down and went to bed early curled up next to Pappyand Lilly.
The boys were out in less than 5 minutes as usual.
No whispering for the girls tonight. I read to them for a bit then lights out - they were so tired I didn't hear one peep out of them.


  1. Good job wearing them out, Granny! That's the best way to ensure and easy bedtime routine. lol

    I'm glad they're having so much fun with you guys. We may need to rotate in some parent-helpers next year when you add 4 more kids to the list of 4 years and older grandkids, huh!

  2. I can't believe you wore them all out that much. I know that for Domonique especially that's is no small task. Looks like so much fun.

  3. Seeing all these photos made me almost homesick for everybody! (everyone's taken off to pick up the kids!) You and pappy pulled off one amazing cousins camp, and I loved all the photos.

  4. Aww....the sleeping pictures are my favorite! You deserve a huge thanks from everyone about how much time, effort, and love you put into this cousins camp. I know these kids will share these memories for a life time!
