Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hard Worker

Seems like I was super busy all week but I didn't get a lot of sewing done. I did get 10 cloth books made. I made 5 Mother Goose and 5 Three little Pigs. The Mother Goose ones were sold, but the Three Little Pigs is a new book - the illustrations are by Mary Englebreits and are so cute!

I have an order for 10 Bible Quiet Books that I need to get out by the middle of next week. They are much harder and more time consuming than these little cloth books.

My shipment of towels for pull over bibs and humanitarian stuff came today. Brandon was here and helped me bring it all in. Brandon was so impressed that the mail man brought me so many presents.

He pushed and rolled them up the ramp. It is hard work moving something that weighs as much as you do. At one point he said, "Granny, stop taking picutres and help me!"

Check out that face!

Counting the boxes and taking inventory.


  1. Wow, your sales seem to be picking up a lot this year! I love those new cloth books. They are so cute.

    Brandon's comment about taking pictures made me laugh. Haha! I think my kids sometimes wonder when I'm going to stop shooting photos and start playing with them. lol

  2. Wow, Santa has thought of you early this year. I also am impressed that the mailman brought you so many presents, and that Brandon was so good at helping:) I was just thinking today how much I liked those cloth books, and the new ones are so darling (I've always loved the story of The Three Little Pigs too). Sounds like you'll have some quality time with your sewing machine this week.

  3. Awww, Brandon is such a cute little helper. Tyler loves to help out as well. Today we went to Costco and he unloaded the cart for me, I was so impressed when he was able to pick up two gallons of mild at once. These little people are way stronger than we think. I stood right beside him for fear he might hurt himself, but all was well. Great Job Brandon, us adults need all the help we can get. Congrats on all your orders and new supplies, awww, where do you find the time?!
