Thursday, April 2, 2009

Life on the not so Funnee Farm

I vacuumed the living room and under the couch cushions, cleaned the refridgerator, cleaned bathrooms upstairs and down. I only had time for 45 minutes on the treadmill. Created a new account for my respite billing and got my billing done for March. Balanced my accounts and paid bills online. Put clean sheets on my bed. Purchased new pump in hopes that someone will show up to put it in for me - threw a few towels on the basement bathroom floor to mop up the mess once again. Working hard boosts my spirits or at least makes me to tired to care about things that go wrong.

I got online and ordered transfer paper, towels for bibs, new tags for Dry Creek Design and a few things to complete some humanitarian projects - spending money is a great spirits booster! I sneaked in a few minutes and finished a couple of quiet book pages- ahhhh, therapy.
Next I picked up Merilee's kids and a respite client, too. Luckily, April showed up with left overs for dinner so we didn't have to eat bread and water.

Steve helped me worked on the sewer pump - of course one pipe broke - we hurried to the co-op and got that replaced before they closed. We couldn't find a pipe wrench so Steve went to a friends house to borrow one. Home again - of course the oulet on the pump was a different size than the last one. Will have to wait til morning to get a different pump or an adapter. Mean while the toilets are filling up and the sink is full of dirty dishes, but I have lots of help - if all goes well, we will be in business first thing in the morning.

Here is the lineup of kids on for the evening laughing at cartoons! Couldn't help but bring a smile to my face.
Such is life on the not always so funnee Funneefarm!


  1. sorry for all your trouble! i wish we could be there to help you! you got a ton done though. you should be proud. sorry about that DANG pump! GRRRRRRR! hopefully you will be up and running tommorow. we will keep you in our prayers. we love you & miss you and hope the FUNNEE will return soon at the funneefarm!

  2. Makes me homesick. Thank goodness for Steve. Thanks my man :)

  3. What a day. I hear you out, sometimes on days that are frustrating cleaning seems to help (and I always like to finish it off with a nice bowl of ice-cream and a chic-flick). Sounds like Steve will be able to solve the pump problem, I only wish I were there to do the dishes for you:)
