Saturday, February 7, 2009

Socks and Scissors

Last week when it was so busy around here, Merilee brought me two of my favorite things. She picked up 2 packages of socks and a cadbury egg for me just because. I love new socks, I ration them to use on days on know I will be on my feet all day; and cadbury eggs, YUM! What a sweetheart.

On our way home from Salt Lake we stopped in Billings to pick up some stuff from Nathan's and see if we could get Heather to laugh and squeal. Nathan had heard about Merilee's good deed; so not to be out done, he had a gift for me. He bought me 3 packages of socks and a whole box of whoppers!! What funnee kids. I love them all so much. I will have enough brand new socks to last me a couple of months, and you can bet I will think of those kids every time I put a new pair of sock on my feet (and every time I get on the scale too!)

So, with my new, cuddly socks on my nice warm feet, I got out another of my favorite things, SCISSORS. They are part of my Therapy. I will spend the evening with my feet up, in front of the TV, clipping this huge pile of bibs. Most of them need to be ready to send out when the check clears in a few days and the others will add to my stash of bibs ready to sell.
You can check out my bibs and other fun things I sell at my website


  1. i love this post and i love your kids too! cracks me up! happy you have lots of new socks! i love new socks too :) yum cadbury eggs are out for the season. another one of my favorits :) that is one big pile of bibs...oh my! you are one amazing lady! I sure love you :)
    PS - thanks for the donation for my bike ride! you are terrific!

  2. I think it's so great Nathan and Merilee get along so well and make the family life so interesting; and you get to reap all the benefits!

  3. Hi! Thanks for the comment on my blog. I have some fun memories of trips home with April. I love you guys! I love this blogging thing and keeping up with people. Looks like things are going well and keeping you busy! =)

  4. Wow! You have one cool daughter! New socks and Cadburry eggs? Too bad your other kids can't think of things to buy you on there own. Love ya mom!

  5. LOL . . . love the post. Love the comments! :) Cute page by the way. Did Merilee help you change it?
