Friday, January 16, 2009

Welcome to the funneefarm!

I was telling April (my daughter) about last Sunday. She laughed so hard - gasping she said, "Mom, you have to start a blog!" I haven't done it before cuz I just didn't know where to start. Here goes!

First a little background. Merilee and Eric are gone on a cruise and I have the grandkids for 11 days! (Lexi is 4 and Brandon just turned 3 on Sunday) We made it through the first few days and even Sunday morning was a breeze since our meetings were changed to the 11:00 schedule. We didn't get home and have lunch over until 3 so I decided the kids would not get naps and would go to bed good and early for Pappy while I went to my stake meeting. I laid out their pj's and toothbrushes and went on my way. I arrived home all inspired and uplifted about 9:30 or so only to be met in the kitchen by pappy who grabbed me tight, his shoulders shaking, I wasn't sure if he was laughing or crying! (maybe a little of both!!!) He said he had just gotten the kids in bed and was laying down with them when Lance Anderson and his girlfriend showed up at the door.

The dogs went crazy, the kids were up - Lance took them to the basement to play and some how Brandon hurt his wrist. Lance left - kids were headed back to bed but Brandon wanted his wrist wrapped up so pappy took a long strip of cloth from the sewing room and bandaged him up good. They were just laying down again when Lance was back at the door - he was stuck on the hill!

The dogs went crazy, the kids were up - Pappy loaded the kids in the truck and spent an hour or so getting him unstuck. By then he was hurting - the kids were way too tired to settle down and I walked in. I promptly put pappy to bed - scolded the kids who then laid down and were zonked in less than 3 minutes. Needless to say - on Tuesday I took the kids with me to enrichment meeting with strict instructions for John to not answer the door or phone.

This is just a little glimpse - but our entire lives have been and probably always will be just like this!

Note - Brandon's wrist was fine - I loaded him up to take him to the doctor the next morning - as I put his coat on, I felt it pop - he howled - apparently it was out of the socket but I popped it back in. whew!!


  1. I love your story's. Thank you for sharing with me. Aunt Laura Lee you are the best.

  2. Yikes! Glad Brandon's ok, I need to show you how to pop his elbow back into place when that happens. Any way, sounds like a crazy week. Still not sure how you guys did it with 7 kids! Thank you so much for watching the kids. You're the best!
