Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Trailer Trippin' - two

I got woke up early this morning by a pocket call from Nathan - not enough time to go back to sleep, so will continue with our trip.

With only a couple minor meltdowns, we arrived safely at Kris's house. Thanks to our GPS and my constant vigilance while John drove.

Kris, Jen and the kids went camping with us out near the coast. John and Kris got to fish and the rest of us went beach combing.

We cooked a gourmet dinner of hot dogs and s'mores and settled in for the night in the trailer, which I like fine as long as it is not moving.
Hotdogs extrodinaire!
Kris and family.

A long walk on the beach at sunset.

We did make it safely home much to my surprise! John is trying to psych me up for a trip to Arizona after the first of the year. I am not sure if the door handle and seat edge can take it - we shall see..........


  1. Fun, fun. I love the pic of you and dad holding hands.

  2. We had so much fun with you two and can't wait until you come visit again! I have so many new places to show you!
