Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Humanitarian Day

On our last trip to Salt Lake, I visited the Church Humanitarian Center. The tour was interesting, but afterwards I asked if they had some projects I could take home. They gave me 47 bootie sets, 28 gowns, 50 school bags and 10 quilts! I was so excited, it was better than Christmas!!! I started on the booties soon after I got home and finished all of them in less than 2 weeks – that is 94 booties people!

Yesterday was our humanitarian project day - no one showed up but me (it was at my house). I was a little disappointed; it is kind of like having a Tupperware or Pampered Chef party and no one comes. I am sure they were busy and a couple people did call to say they were afraid to drive down my muddy road - but that didn't stop me from getting lots accomplished!

I finished all 28 layette gowns and finished tying the quilt I had set up the day before for people to work on. After I set the quilt up on Monday I was so excited to have it ready that I tied half of it myself - with help from April and several grandchildren. I also got the binding done on 2 quilts that were tied at our combined Basin/Greybull work day last month. So it was quite a productive day if I do say so myself!
Well, I better stop goofing off with my blog and finish up the plans for cousins camp - and I only have one Bible Quiet Book left again so that is next on my to do list. The quilts and school bags will have to wait.


  1. I can't believe no one showed up!! Bummer. Of course, you still got a ton of stuff done. I should have stayed just a little longer that day so you would have had someone to "giggle, giggle, hee hee hee, snort" with. lol Love ya!

  2. i can't believe it either! that stinks! I would have loved to come up and helped you out! too bad i live so stinking far away! I am proud of all your accomplishments! you really are an amazing lady! I am so happy to have you as my mom :) lucky me :)
