Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's a Wonderful Life! ! ! !

I was reading back through some of my posts - "pity party" was pretty bad. But even I have bad days. All in all, we have had a wonderful life. We have spent lots of time doing fun things and John was there for so much of the kids growing up that most dads only get to hear about at the end of a long day. Life is not what I thought it would be like at this point in our lives. I thought we would be camping, fishing, visiting places like church history sites, exotic tours and especially visiting our kids. But just because life is not what I expected, it doesn't mean it is not good.

We are so blessed. Most of our children and grandchildren live close enough to visit often and those who don't call and blog to keep us updated. I love our litte valley, the church and our community. I am very busy with my church calling and all that it involves - I love to serve others. I love to sew and my business is growing by leaps and bounds - sometimes it is hard to keep up. I may have to start treating it like a real job!! The paintball can be a pain, but it is nice to be around young people who are so enthusiastic - and they think this old grey haired granny is pretty "cool" I think. I have loved spending time with my respite kids. They sure give me a different perspective on life and what is important. I have a warm home and more than enough to eat, we have enough money for all our needs and to occasionally help our children, I do not live in fear for my safety and I am surrounded by people who love me despite my shortcomings!

Any way, apart from a bad day here and there, LIFE IS WONDERFUL! If there was one thing I could change it would be that John would not be in constant pain. But, if things were not the way they are, I am sure I would have been too busy and distracted to learn the important lessons this life has to offer.

Here are some pictures of some turkeys that visited this old turkey (me) the other day.

Lance left last week. Before he did, I cooked him an awesome dinner of oven fries, steak and mushrooms and a yummy salad - by candlelight I might add. Lance furnished the A&W root beer for our fancy goblets!

We miss you Lance - I haven't gotten on the treadmill and my popcorn bowl has been empty since you left.


  1. You are such a neat lady and you always make the best out of any situation. Life is hard for everyone, and you're right about it being mostly fun, happy, and exciting! However, you have had to deal with more hard times than most and I applaud you for all your hard work and dedication. You are such a wonderful lady and I am honored to be a part of the family. (You need to "take it easy," sometimes, and let your soul rest!) You are always taking care of everyone's time to take care of you!!!!!!!

  2. PS...what a beautiful dinner you made...I bet Lance hated leaving! It's also good to see a picture of Pappy. I miss that guy!

  3. we sure love and miss you mom! you are such a special lady and one that I look up to! I hope to be more like you when i grow up! What a great post! I wish the same thing as you that john would not have to endure the pain he has too. Tell him we love him and think of him often. Have a great day :)

  4. What a great post today, and I agree with Jen, you and pappy are wonderful. Thanks for blogging, I enjoy your posts and pictures of turkeys!
