Thursday, March 5, 2009

5 Miles!!

I did 5 miles on the treadmill this morning in preparation for the Women's Fun Run. I beat my time from 2 weeks ago by 8 minutes!! Treadmill screen and sweaty face to prove it. Scary picture, huh. If you can't read it the treadmill screen says (1 hr. 12 min. - 5
miles). Not bad for a fat old lady!

The VA called and said that John's test all came back normal - they want to do an ultrasound of his joints on Friday. We are leaving for Idaho Falls today - at least it will be good to see my mother again so soon.
Well, I better go pack my pretzles, carrots sticks and my size 10 pants!!!!!


  1. Way to go!!! And just so you know you are not fat! You're beautiful and are so lucky to look so good after having seven kids! Good luck at the Women's Run. You'll do great!

  2. I agree with Jen are looking fantastico!! I'm am bursting with excitement that you'll be doing this race with us, and I must say I feel a bit intimidated that you're already up to 5 miles (Amber and I are up to three right now!). I'm registering for the race this weekend, it is going to be a blast!
