Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Quiet House

Lexi and Brandon went home last night. It sure is quiet here this morning. They kept me hopping, seems like the only rest I got is when I would lay down with them to get them to nap!!

They are busy little kids so to keep them out of trouble I enlisted their help in almost everything I did. They helped unload the dishwasher, vacuumed, cooked, set and cleared the table, and of course picked up toys and clothes!!

I didn't make them slave the whole time - they played with Paul's old cowboys and Indians,
colored pictures and played outside when it wasn't too cold.
Brandons favorite pastime was being the Hulk -

and Lexi's was playing with her webkins. I was amazed at how fast she learned to play the little games and navigate from one activity to another in the program. It was fun to have them here - I am glad they didn't go too far away.
I am ready for some THERAPY!! (sewing)lol


  1. Wow I'm jelous of you blog. I'll have to spend some time this weekend.

  2. Don't get too used to the peace and quiet! We want to spend the week with you guys next week. Sound good?! :) I'll try to spend a lot of time at Merilee's so you can still get plenty of "therapy" time in. lol Love the blog!!! Go Mom!

  3. that was so nice of you to watch merilee's kiddo's while they are away on a cruise. I hope they had a wonderful time. looks like they kept you busy. enjoy your therapy time you deserve it lady :) love ya!

  4. Ahh thanks mom! I bet they didn't know what to do with all the attention you gave them :) You're the best Granny! I need to let them help me in the kitchen more. Any way, love the pics. Keep the blog going!
